Remade With Hope is an innovative social enterprise utilising the millions of tonnes of unwanted clothing High Street retailers currently throw away to provide prisoners with training and employment opportunities that benefit them and wider society.
Using supervised contract workshops, the scheme creates purposeful activity for prisoners and prepares them for a meaningful life on release. At the same time, it offers a solution for retailers and fashion manufacturers facing the environmental challenge of disposing of tens of millions of unsaleable products each year, most of which is currently sent to landfill. High Street retailers entrust RWH to dispose of redundant stock in a secure and socially conscious manner. Unwanted items are sorted and repaired prior to shipping to developing countries where low cost clothes and products are in huge demand.

RWH are committed to zero landfill from all our reprocessing activities.
Clothing, footwear and homeware products are repaired, up cycled and given new life.
What we can’t sell we Donate to charities in the U.K and worldwide.

RWH are the first choice for 100% secure disposal of redundant stock.
We fundamentally respect the value of our client’s brand. All products are de-branded in a 100% secure environment.

Designing, developing and delivering clothing can take up to 1 year. UK consumers are buying five times more items than the 1980s. 11M unwanted items, over 300M tonnes annually goes to landfill in the UK
(Maria Chenoweth, CEO of Traid)/(The Times 16.03.2018).

RWH are the fastest growing industry working with the Ministry of Justice providing purposeful activity during sentence and offering post-release opportunities contributing to the rehabilitation of offenders and a reduction of victims of crime.
"As of June 2019 - 24 ex-offenders in work saving £2.4m”
(at 100k per person, Including Court & Policing Cost)

A key component of our purpose is to contribute to charitable initiatives in the U.K and worldwide
Local UK charities include Speke House Liverpool for ex-servicemen and women, Recycling Lives hostel in Preston for homeless ex-offenders as well as national charities like Macmillan. International work includes supporting work in Jordan helping Syrian refugees and POCM (Philippines Outreach Centre Ministries/Children’s Homes) for POCM
We actively support different charities
and Government initiatives
"Going Forward"
A government scheme aimed at placing ex-offenders into the civil service
"One Small thing"
A new charity to be launched by Lady Edwina Grosvenor aimed at vulnerable women
"Recycling Lives"
A Queens award winner for enterprise charity located in the North West and involved in electrical goods waste management and recycling
"Speke House"
A Servicemen and womens charity based in Liverpool
"Springhill Hospice"
Based in Rochdale a palliative care home for cancer sufferers from diagnosis to end- of- life


A part of Ministry Of Justice HM Prison and Probation service seeking to help implement prison reform making good the Governments pledge to improve rehabilitation and drive crime down and cut the £15 billion cost of re -offending.

Seetec who provide the ability to place ex offenders into full time employment